
These are the available GET endpoints and their parameters.


Describe a domain



URL Parameters:

  • domain_id (string, required) - ID for the domain of the request
  • key (string, required) - Domain security key (green or blue)

Example Reply:

{ "domain_id": "ea968482-f2bf-4f7b-9906-b2213b1f41c6", "name": "Default Domain" }
  • name (string) - The text describing the domain


Describe an asset



URL Parameters:

  • domain_id (string, required) - ID for the domain of the request
  • asset_id (string, required) - ID for the asset of the request
  • key (string, required) - Domain security key (green or blue)

Example Reply:

{ "asset_id": "f3ff64a2-8675-4e26-9338-d0ad8f947289", "domain_id": "ea968482-f2bf-4f7b-9906-b2213b1f41c6", "name": "Default Asset" }
  • name (string) - The text describing the asset


Get a customer's balance



URL Parameters:

  • domain_id (string, required) - ID for the domain of the request
  • asset_id (string, required) - ID for the asset of the request
  • client_extid (string, required) - Your user id parameter, url-safe encoded
  • key (string, required) - Domain security key (green or blue)

Example Reply:

{ "domain_id": "ea968482-f2bf-4f7b-9906-b2213b1f41c6", "client_id": "ea968482-f2bf-4f7b-9906-b2213b1f41c8", "client_extid": "client1", "asset_id": "f3ff64a2-8675-4e26-9338-d0ad8f947289", "amount": 88, "last_calculated": 1652822237 }
  • amount (integer) - The client's balance of the given asset
  • last_calculated (integer) - Unix timestamp of the last time the balance was updated (likely the last block committed)


Add a transaction to the blockchain (increment or decrement a client's balance)



URL Parameters:

  • domain_id (string, required) - ID for the domain of the request
  • asset_id (string, required) - ID for the asset of the request
  • client_extid (string, required) - Your user id parameter, url-safe encoded
  • key (string, required) - Domain security key (green or blue)
  • amount (integer, required) - Amount of transaction (- for decrement)
  • txid (string, required) - Your internal transaction id or comment

Example Reply:

{ "domain_id": "ea968482-f2bf-4f7b-9906-b2213b1f41c6", "asset_id": "f3ff64a2-8675-4e26-9338-d0ad8f947289", "client_id": "ea968482-f2bf-4f7b-9906-b2213b1f41c8", "client_extid": "client1", "when": 1652822233, "amount": 11, "comment": { "txid": "123" }, "_id": "628410d988ebc23a9f06f7f1" }
  • _id (string) - The id of the pending blockchain block
  • when (integer) - Unix timestamp of when the block was added to the blockchain


Get a customer's transactions



URL Parameters:

  • domain_id (string, required) - ID for the domain of the request
  • asset_id (string, required) - ID for the asset of the request
  • client_extid (string, required) - Your user id parameter, url-safe encoded
  • key (string, required) - Domain security key (green or blue)
  • limit (integer, optional) - Maximum number of committed transactions to return (all pending ones will be returned)

Example Reply:

{ "pending": [], "committed": [ { "_id": "628410dd25fdf1e15b0c3122", "_id_orig": "628410d988ebc23a9f06f7f1", "domain_id": "ea968482-f2bf-4f7b-9906-b2213b1f41c6", "asset_id": "f3ff64a2-8675-4e26-9338-d0ad8f947289", "client_id": "ea968482-f2bf-4f7b-9906-b2213b1f41c8", "client_extid": "client1", "amount": 11, "when": 1652822233, "comment": { "txid": "123" }, "prev_block": "628410ad0ab26f52140603c3", "prev_hash": "6885920e60ca76204698dd3073d1460e" }, ] }
  • _id (string) - The id of the block in the pending or committed blockchain
  • _id_orig (string, committed only) - The ID of this block's pending block in the blockchain
  • prev_block (string, committed only) - The ID of this block's parent block in the blockchain
  • prev_hash (string, committed only) - The hash of this block's parent block in the blockchain
  • when (integer) - Unix timestamp of when the block was added to the pending blockchain

Package Levels

Describe a package's levels



URL Parameters:

  • domain_id (string, required) - ID for the domain of the request
  • asset_id (string, required) - ID for the asset of the request
  • key (string, required) - Domain security key (green or blue)

Example Reply:

[ { "domain_id": "ea968482-f2bf-4f7b-9906-b2213b1f41c6", "asset_id": "f3ff64a2-8675-4e26-9338-d0ad8f947289", "level_id": "e26fb64b-e64f-4f29-a59b-cefc89565e3c", "sort_order": 1, "name": "Default Package", "from_amt": 1, "to_asset": 1 } ]
  • sort_order (integer) - The order you've asked for them to be sorted
  • name (string) - The text describing the level of this package
  • from_amt (integer) - The amount you're taking in (e.x. in USD)
  • to_asset (integer) - The amount you're adding to the client's balance


Wrong domain_id/key/asset_id/client_id combo

To prevent harvesting, we can't tell you exactly what input was incorrect, please validate your parameters using the domain and asset endpoints

{ "name": "Unauthorized", "message": "", "code": 0, "status": 401, "type": "yii\\web\\UnauthorizedHttpException" }
  • Return Code: 401 Unauthorized

Insufficient balance

A transaction was sent that would move the client's balance below zero

{ "name": "Payment Required", "message": "Insufficient Balance", "code": 0, "status": 402, "type": "yii\\web\\HttpException" }
  • Return Code: 402 Payment Required